Calm and Confident Birth Solutions

Do you want to stop feeling terrified of birth, and start feeling calm and confident?

I get it! I wanted to OWN my birth space and roar my baby into the world with the power of a mama bear and the serenity of a Buddhist monk - looking around the room with my baby in my arms like "it ain't no thang."

That's why I came up with calm and confident birth solutions designed to take you from terrified and anxious to the empowered birth boss you were born to be.

Components of a calm & confident birth

  • Education

    Education is one of the most empowering tools guiding you to become a calm and confident self-advocate.

  • Breathwork

    Breathwork has been proven to reduce anxiety and improve oxygen supply to your body and your baby.

  • Meditation

    Meditation is an effective way to calm a busy mind and connect deeply to your intuition even during labour.

  • Journaling

    Studies have found that journaling can be as effective as cognitive behavioral therapy in establishing a positive mindset.

Birth Boss Benefits

  • Guidance and empowerment

  • Education on what to expect

  • Confidence to speak up for your birth wishes

  • Mindfulness tools for a calm pregnancy, birth and postpartum

  • Comfort and care solutions that align with your goals

  • Communication tools for a cohesive birth team

  • Clarity on your birth rights and values

  • Fear release techniques to enhance relaxation allowing you to enjoy every moment of bringing your baby into the world

Kind Words

Kind Words

The Birth Boss Options

  • Birth Boss Guidance Call

    A private 90 minute session customized to answer questions about the unique circumstances you're facing in your pregnancy and set you up with mindfulness tools and meditations to release your anxieties about birth.

  • Classic Birth Support

    With the Classic Birth Support package you’ll receive a full spectrum of support on everything from prenatal education to compassionate birth support to postpartum empowerment so you can step into motherhood feeling calm and confident.

  • Scheduled Cesarean Support

    The Scheduled Cesarean Support Package empowers you to make your cesarean birth YOURS! Cesarean birth is not one-size-fits-all. This package prepares you for what to expect and how to maintain your birth values so you can be the BOSS of your cesarean birth.

  • The Calm and Confident Birth Boss Program

    Five supportive private sessions, booked at your convenience, that give you the information you need to face pregnancy and birth and make calm and confident decisions so you actually enjoy the process!