Poop During Labour: Is it Preventable?

It's most expecting mothers' secret fear. Whether you're planning a home birth, water birth or hospital birth, pooping during labour is likely something you dread. You've googled how to prevent it and tried to convince yourself it won't happen to you, but what if it does!?

Let's look at pooping during labour and invite in some new perspectives.

Why does it happen?

1) Manual Action: As your baby begins to move down and out, he or she may begin to place pressure on the rectal area which can cause rectal flair and pooping.

2) Hormones: many of the hormones that play an important role in stimulating the uterus to contract, also stimulate the bowels which can cause diarrhoea, especially during the early stages of labour.

3) Pushing: The bowel, bladder, vagina and rectum all makeup what's called the pelvic floor. The pelvic floor consists of all the muscles you will engage to bring your baby into the world. This act of engaging and straining your pelvic floor muscles will unavoidably engage the same muscles used to poop.

How to Avoid it?

Don't! Sorry, I know that's not the answer you were looking for, but pooping during labour is a natural and important part of moving your baby down and out.

In fact, if you are so focused on not pooping during labour, you may be subconsciously drawing in on your pelvic floor instead of pushing down and out, which can prolong your pushing phase. It is recommended that you push with the urge to encourage the downward movement of your baby and prevent tearing.

I know you're scared of the embarrassment of pooping during labour, but try to keep these things in mind as you bring your baby into the world:

1) Your care providers are not there to watch you poop. They are there to support you through this monumental time in your life. Try to remember that they've seen it before, they know it's a good sign that your baby will soon be here, and they just don't care!

2) Get excited about poop! Poop is a sign that things are moving down and out which means your baby will soon be here! Focus on the thought of meeting your baby and keep birthing like a badass!

3) Remember that you're not alone. Most pregnant women fear pooping during labour, and many WILL poop during labour. You're not the first person in history to poop while birthing your baby. It doesn't need to be embarrassing!

You're a birth boss, mama! Nothing and no one can take that authority away from you in your birth space, so stay calm and poop on!

Kait Schmidek

As a website designer & self-proclaimed problem solver, I take the complicated out of bringing your website to life.


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